I am Laura Asunta, university teacher and researcher in the field of organizational communication and public relations. Creative and critical thinking are my driving forces. I currently work at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.


I am an expert in professionalism and ethics in corporate communication. As a teacher, my goal is to support the professional growth of the students, and provide them tools and concepts to understand the complex field of corporate communication. As a reseacher, I am mostly interested in how professional communication can be used for building bridges between different actors, and constructing fully functioning society.

Research interests

  • Professionalism in strategic communication management

  • Societal resilience towards hostile influence by information

  • Public sector communication and issues of engagement and social inclusion

CV highlights

  • Current position

    University Teacher, Corporate Communication
    2015 –

    Jyväskylä University, School of Business and Economics (permanent contract started at Faculty of Humanities and continued after organizational changes at the current Faculty)

    Employment History

    University Teacher, Organizational Communication and Public Relations
    University of Jyväskylä, 08/2013–12/2014

    University Teacher, Organizational Communication and Public Relations University of Jyväskylä, 01–05/2011

    Doctoral Student
    University of Jyväskylä, 2008–2013 (funded by Rector’s grant 12 months, Finnish Cultural
    Foundation 3 year grant, other smaller grants)

    University Teacher, Organizational Communication and Public Relations (hourly based, part-time)
    University of Jyväskylä 2008–2010

    Teacher, Organizational Communication and Public Relations (hourly based, part-time)
    Snellmann Summer School, 2008–2010

    Communication Expert
    Leppävaara Congregation, 02/2006–12/2007

    Communication Assistant
    Helsinki Deaconess Institute, 10–12/2005

    Parish Children’s Center, 01/2001–07/2002

    Youth Leader
    Ähtäri Congregation, 08/1995–08/1997

    Youth Leader
    Ylöjärvi Congregation, 04/1994–03/1995

    Children’s Instructor
    Kuru Congregation, 08/1993–04/1994

    Youth Leader
    Forssa Congregation, 08/1992–05/1993

  • Education and degrees awarded

    Doctor of Philosophy, Organizational Communication and Public Relations

    University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2016

    Master of Arts, Organizational Communication and Public Relations

    University of Jyväskylä, 2006

    Other education and training, qualification and skills

    Work Counselor, Specialization Studies (60 ECTS)

    Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, 2008

    Youth Leader, Vocational Degree (3-year full-time program)

    Helsingin Evankelinen Opisto, 1992

    Creative Writing Studies (one year full-time)

    Oriveden Opisto, 1988–1989

  • Research visit 23.9.–9.12.2019
    Massey University, School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing
    Wellington, New Zealand

    Erasmus+ Staff Training, 17.–21.9.2018
    Lund University, Department of Strategic Communication
    Helsingborg, Sweden

  • Jos Willems Award for Best MA-thesis in Europe in the Field of Public Relations

    European Public Relations Research and Education Association, 2007

  • Research papers in conferences and seminars

    Asunta, L. (2011). Perceptions on the Roles and the Goles of Professional Public Relations.
    Paper presented in Euprera Annual Congress 2011 in Leeds, UK, and published in on-line proceedings.

    Asunta, L. (2015). Enabling and Empowering Strategic Public Relations
    Presentation in EUPRERA 2015 conference, 1.10.2015, Norway, Oslo.

    Asunta, L. & Fagerli, P. (2017). PR and the militarization of communication. Presentation in EUPRERA 2017 conference, 13.10.2017, Great Britain, London.

    Asunta, L., Laapotti, T. & Nykänen, H. (2019). Pursuing deliberation: Constituting agency in client jury meetings.
    Paper presented in ICA 69th international conference, Washington DC, 25.5.2019.

    Papers presented in international doctoral seminars

    Asunta, L. (2008). Professional Public Relations in 21st century Europe – ethically guided interaction or value-free intrigues?
    Paper presented in Euprera PhD-seminar in Milan, October 2008.

    Asunta, L. (2009). Common ground or diverse values? Searching for shared understanding of the nature and role of public relations expertise.
    Paper presented in Euprera PhD-seminar in Bucharest, September 2009.

    Asunta, L. (2010). Messengers or value creators? Profiling Public Relations expertise.
    Paper presented in Euprera PhD-seminar in Jyväskylä, September 2010.

    Presentations in international conferences and seminars

    Asunta, L. (2019). Facing the threat from the dark side. Counter-terrorism risk communication.
    Presentation in 2nd international and interdisciplinary conference on discourse and communication in professional contexts, 15.8.2019, Denmark, Aalborg.

    Asunta, L. & Mikkola, L. (2018). Dance of agencies in the interaction between social worker and service user
    Presentation in ECREA 2018 conference, 2.11.2018, Switzerland, Lugano.

    Asunta, L. & Ollila, E. (2019). Securing social trust while facing foreign information influence
    Presentation in BledCom The 26th International Public Relations Research Symposium, 5.7.2019, Slovenia, Lake Bled.

    Nykänen, H., Mikkola, L. & Asunta, L. (2017). Identity representations. A social service user meets asocial service worker in social media.
    Bi-annual meeting of the Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Division of ECREA. Helsinki. 23.-25.10.2017.

    Presentations in national conferences

    Asunta, L. & Laajalahti, A. (2018). Asiakkaiden ja sosiaalityöntekijöiden odotuksia ja käsityksiä palveluviestinnästä [Customers’ and social workers’ expectations and perceptions of customer service communication].

    Vuorovaikutuksen tutkimuksen päivät [Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Conference]. Finland, Jyväskylä, 28.–29.9.2018.

    Koskinen, H., Mikkola, L. & Asunta, L. (2017). Viranomaisen varassa ja vallassa, Vammaispalveluiden asiakkaiden ja työntekijöiden välisen suhteen representaatiot asiakkaiden keskusteluissa [Supported and controlled by authorities, Representations of the relationship between disability sevices’ workers and clients].

    Vammaistutkimuksen päivät 2017 [Disability research conference]. Helsinki. 14.-15.6.2017.

    Mikkola, L. & Asunta, L. (2018). Toimijuudet sosiaalipalveluiden asiakasraadissa [Agencies in social services’ client jury]. Vuorovaikutuksen tutkimuksen päivät [Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Conference]. Finland, Jyväskylä, 28.–29.9.2018.

    Invited lectures at scientific conferences and seminars

    Asunta, L. (2017). Influence by information in cyberspace - the role of communication in hybrid threats, Presentation in NATO workshop, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, 16.10.2017, Finland, Jyväskylä.

Creative activities

I am also active in all sorts creative work, including but not limited to writing songs, visual arts and drama. When I became visually impaired 20 years ago, I decided not to let it stop me from pursuing my dreams and interests. When everyone else seemed too busy to record, play and produce my songs, I have started learning all those things myself.

Trailer for “Pimeetä draamaa” - a play that happened in the dark.

Kuun kutsu - a song that I wrote.

Drop me a line through the form below. You can also find me on Twitter.
